• 최종편집 2025-02-14(금)



The Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI, President: Cha Soon-do) and Chungcheongbuk-do (Governor: Kim Young-hwan) invite companies to participate in the Business Partnering of BIO KOREA 2023, an event jointly hosted by the organizations.

The Business Partnering, one of the key programs of BIO KOREA 2023, is aimed at discussing various business opportunities and research cooperation plans, such as for joint studies, market entry, and technology transactions, etc., through one-on-one meetings between companies and organizations in the bio-health fields.

The Business Partnering will be concurrently run online and offline from May 10 (Wed.) to 12 (Fri.) during when BIO KOREA 2023 is scheduled to take place. In particular, the online meetings will be held around the clock (24 hours) to ensure successful meetings with overseas companies.

Companies intending to participate in the Business Partnering should register for FCA (Full Convention Access) or OPA (Online Partnering Access). Companies completing FCA registration by May 5 (Fri.) are eligible for a 10% discount and participation in all programs of BIO KOREA 2023, such as conferences, exhibitions, and the Business Partnering.

· FCA (Full Convention Access): Participation in all programs of the BIO KOREA 2023, including Conferences, Exhibitions, and Business Partnering.
· OPA (Online Partnering Access): Participation in the Business Partnering (24 hours)

BIO KOREA has been running offline-focused programs since last year as the global COVID-19 pandemic gradually subsides. With the pandemic situation improving, BIO KOREA 2023 International Convention has seen a growing interest from overseas companies.

Through a delegation organized by the Australian and Canadian Embassies in Korea, at least 20 overseas companies and research institutes in the fields of anti-cancer chemotherapy, cell therapy, gene therapy, and CRO, etc. will attend the event. In addition, overseas companies participating in the event through the respective country booths of Germany, Thailand, and Taiwan, etc. will make a direct visit to BIO KOREA 2023 and search for business opportunities with the Korean companies.

Ferring Pharmaceuticals of the Switzerland, which obtained the FDA approval for a microbiome new drug and a gene therapy product for bladder cancer last year, will participate in the Business Partnering to seek collaboration opportunities with the promising Korean companies known for gene therapy, microbiome, and gynecologic and infertility treatment technologies.

Regenerative Medicine Acceleration Foundation (RMAF), Korean Fund for Regenerative Medicine (KFRM), and Council for Advanced Regenerative Medicine (CARM) will jointly organize and operate an advanced regenerative medicine booth. Through participation in the booth, around 30 companies, hospitals and related organizations in the fields of gene and cell therapy and immune cell therapy, and CDMOs (contract development and manufacturing organizations) for regenerative medicine as well as Genemedicine, Cellid, and HK inno.N will attend the Business Partnering.

A KHIDI official said, “In 2022, we provided an opportunity for continuous technological exchange to the participants by operating the Business Partnering both online and offline, and 730 meetings were held among 421 persons from 32 countries. This year, by focusing on holding the Business Partnering on offline channels, we will dedicate the utmost efforts to broadening the opportunities for direct exchange with overseas companies, providing a venue for more active business discussions, and therefore building a foundation for the global market entry by Korean companies.”

Companies looking to participate in the Business Partnering can submit the application on the BIO KOREA website.

Website: http://www.biokorea.org/

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BIO KOREA 2023 Opens Registration for Business Partnering
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